'Mum! You're making me bored, so I can't do my sewing!'
I should take a tip from DS, who this week was home with a bad tummy and in that time has: sewn up a hole on his fuzzy lamb; built (assisted by DD) a car out of a cardboard box; made for me a 'jewellery holder'; voluntarily done 'homework' at his desk; painted (assisted by DD) his whole body with face-paints as Spiderman; and informed me that if he can't go outside he's going to explode. Well, that last bit is a moot point: I now have well-developed arm muscles from bathroom-cleaning over the past week.
We were lucky enough to be giving the debut performance of Jakob Wittwer's Chorale Cantata with orchestra, for which the composer (as the outgoing organist for the local Church With Spire) played organ. A real pleasure and an honour to sing someone else's creation.
As we did last time, the choir sang at the morning service a few excerpts from the concert, in keeping with the church service theme - for which I can only give you a ball-park (God; Jesus) because it was all in Swiss-German.
Not to worry. We knew the music well enough to forge onwards without missing a beat.
More in a couple of weeks after the Hausfrau, accompanied by children, returns from a road trip to Sweden with a Dear Swedish Pal and her three offspring.