As we head towards the end of 2008 at a rate of knots I've been enjoying the Christmas lights and the smell of roasting chestnuts as I wade through days of rain and – in the last 24 hours – snow. I can't help noticing the odd local teenager with handfuls of snow loitering behind trees or around corners lying in wait for unsuspecting classmates, and today on his return from school DS presented me with a super snowball; it's stored on the back deck – just in case he needs it.
I've also been making a habit of going out for a curry with my Dear Swedish Pal after our German class, and last night as we travelled down the Autobahn the pine forests were white - the whole place has really transformed, and the Hausfrau is loving it.

I did have a rather sad week last week as we had to wave farewell to the Dear Local Queen of the Babysitters (who kind of turned into the Dear Local Friend), as she has headed off to – would you

believe it – Australia, to go to Uni for a year in Sydney. Yes, a sad day for the Hausfrau, who had huge fun trying her hand at the Swiss language and customs. Before the DLQB left she even found time to show me how to make
Lebkuchen, traditionally eaten on 6th December to coincide with the visit of Samichlaus and Schmutzli.
Me: (as we get the Lebkuchen out of the oven) Oooh, it's kind of soft.
DLQB: Ja. It's soft. Then it goes really hard. Then by the time you eat it it's soft again.

We've been racking up the Christmas activities this year with more candle-dipping, a spot of wreath-making down at the DLQB's church, setting up the Christmas tree, and a visit to see Samichlaus and Schmutzli – actually, DS has managed to see Samichlaus three times this season, including when the Dear Amazing

Kindy Teacher took the kids on a surprise visit to the local forest where Samichlaus awaited their arrival.

I had an extremely proud Hasufrau moment when we went to hear DD sing in her first concert with the
Kinderchor (in the same amazing, eye-boggling church that the Hausfrau sang in). And tomorrow morning I will be lucky enough to hear both DD and DS at
Adventsingen with their respective classes in another of the local churches.

And, finally, DD and I had a very Christmas-y adventure in the city when we went to see some of our younger friends

perform in 'A Little Princess'. I couldn't help being reminded of special Christmas outings with my own DM when we lived in London - the lights, the snow, the mother and the daughter... I wonder if DD will remember Zürich.
But, just in case she doesn't, there's always the blog... Vive la Hasufrau!