After toasting to his new apartment (which smelled delightful in comparison to ours, let me tell you), we all went for a walk up to the base of the Felsenegg 'little mountain', which is part of the Uetliberg range of hills. There, we caught a cable car, which had been much anticipated by DS.
[The previous night, while tucking him into bed: 'But Mum, where are the doors on the cable car? And do they go vvvvt like this, or is it like a bus?']
PS. Turns out Felsenegg is just over 800m above sea-level: not much different from Black Mountain, in Canberra. (Witness the advantages of spending time with Infotech Central chaps who seem to be bottomless pits of information.) But because you start going up at about 400m above sea-level instead of the 600-odd of Canberra, it seems very high and Alpine. Plus the drop is very steep, and feels like the side of the mountain has been blown away leaving Lake Zürich at the bottom of a big bowl of dolls' houses.
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