After another week of being woefully Haus-bound (it was DD's turn to be sick this week), the weekend was shaping up to be a little more social.

Friday night saw four other 'Spouses or Partners of...' (SPs) turn up on the Hausfrau's humble doorstep for the second meeting of the new Book Club.
As the rather long fortnight of Flying Solo was drawing to a close you can imagine how excited the Hausfrau was to receive guests. Yes, folk to talk to in English and, what's more, chat with about
books. One of the Hausfrau's favourite topics.

We did indeed talk about the book (
Midwives by Chris Bohjalian, in case you're interested) for the obligatory 4% of allotted time, and dutifully ate, drank and were merry for the remaining 96% (figures taken from the Global Guidelines For A Successful Book Club), thanks to the timely recent delivery of the Online Shopping Queen's groceries (read: cheeses, grapes, lychees and of course Austrian wine).

Much fun was had by all present, including my offspring, who punctuated the evening with various impromptu visits.
One of the SPs had brought along her daughter (the Sleep-Over-Friend), so DD and the SOF settled in for a bout of DVD-watching in DD's bedroom.
DS, however - whom I'd managed to get into bed
and to sleep prior to the arrival of the SPs, but who was woken approximately 3 minutes later by Very Loud Sibling - was quite keen to rise from his bed occasionally, just to check we were behaving ourselves.

So by the time the S8 pulled in the next morning (one of the two trains from the city which stop at the main station here), the sun was shining, birds were singing (well, I didn't notice that, but they usually do, so I'm sure they were) and two very tired but excited children flung themselves at DH as he hauled off the train much more luggage than he'd left with.

Hooray! Presents!
Of course I mean: Hooray! DH!
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