Call it holiday fever (next week marks the beginning of the two-week Sportsferien, or 'Sports holiday' - yes, there is a holiday dedicated entirely to being healthy) or the impending Zürich Carnival due to kick off this Friday night, but as the week was drawing to a close I wasn't surprised to find myself standing in front of an enormous pile of skis, boots, stocks, helmets etc. after I impulsively booked myself and the kids in for 4 days of skiing at Amden next week.
The departure discussion with the ski-hire guys went as follows:
Me: No way, dudes! What you see on the floor is what I have to carry on the train next week.
Pedro: You?
Me: And the kids. Make it so!
Pedro's boss: You want to hire Pedro? He can carry to Amden. Hahaha!
Pedro: Ja! I come free if you buy Ski Tarife (lift ticket) and hotel room.
Me: Ha. Very funny. Find me some bags and help me pack it all up, silly boys.
Preceded by:
Me: Yes. A long time ago.
Pedro: How long?
Me: Er... nearly twenty years...
Pedro: (hysterical laughter) Oy! Very different! Look at the little skis! You beginner now I think!! (More sniggering.)
Anyway, they dutifully helped me pack up all the stuff, including back-protectors, the wearing of which DS is convinced makes him eligible to join the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (hmm... Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael and... Dali?).
So we lugged it all fairly uneventfully onto the train and then bus, where of course we were greeted by a bus-driver completely dressed in clown garb.
Nobody seemed too bothered by the streamers and random hoot of the party horn, however, so we decided to relax and go with the flow. Plus, the jokes must have been pretty funny, because the Dear Locals were all giggling.
One more thing: as I was just now cooking dinner for the troops I chanced to look out the window to see a chap sauntering along the street wearing wrapped around his torso an enormous white tuba.
At that point I confess I was compelled to check and make sure he wasn't also walking a lobster.
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