DD: Crikey, Mum, anyone would think the Queen of London was coming over.
Me: Hurry, hurry, people! Get in your Pa-Jimmies! The baby-sitter is coming!
I exited the apartment as soon as the Dear Local Queen of Babysitters had arrived, to the strains of DS's over-tired histrionics. As I scooted away into the night I thought fondly of the oft-used words of my own Dear Brother whenever he exited my cacophonic, food- and toy-strewn house: 'See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!'
In this case, I most definitely did want to be me: I was off to a rehearsal for the Easter Chorale, with my new Project Choir (Projekt Chor). We were to sing Heinrich Schutz's Johannes-Passion and, frankly, I was having the best time being an über music-nerd.
The acoustics were as good as the space promised, and by the end of the rehearsal I was exhausted and entirely humbled - partly due to the fact that the choir director speaks about 7 words of English, and none of those are particularly helpful when attempting to tell a bunch of altos they need to put a bit more hatred into their words as they are, after all, singing about crucifying Jesus.
I suppose it was just lucky that I returned to find a quiet apartment with children dutifully sleeping, and a nonplussed DLQB doing her homework.
PS. As it turned out, the concert was sung on a snowy Easter Friday night, and was attended by DH and DD. Notably, DD managed to record with the video camera a few choice moments of Buxtehude organ-work and rather a lot of the final applause. DS was left in the capable hands of the DLQB, and very happily wore his Power Ranger gum-boots.