After a tasty pizza lunch in Winterthur the Hausfrau and family headed to 'Technorama'. (For any Canberrans out there, it's like Questacon except much bigger.)

Suffice it to say, we were in seventh heaven with the amount of fiddling and button-pushing and dial-twirling to be done.

One of the highlights has to be
Mindball (wow, I just found a site where you can buy your own game for US$23,900), a combat of the calmest minds: the lower your Alpha and Beta brainwaves, the higher your score.

The Hausfrau was entirely whipped at this game, by everyone in her family. I like to think it was partially due to the running commentary from DS.
DS: You have to stop thinking, mummy. Just stop. Try and think of
nothing. Just
nothing. Are you thinking of nothing yet?

A very Zen DH was the proud winner of all games he played, and I could suggest that in order to win you need to be the most brain-dead of the contestants, but that might sound a bit like sour grapes. I really should have tried the game again at the end of the day, though, because by closing time the

Hausfrau was suffering from off-the-scale brain meltdown

having tried to keep track of DS (who had been zotting here and there in an entirely random fashion for most of the day) and his shirt - both of which she lost in the heaving mass of children and robotic limbs and other swinging devices.

Thankfully, the announcement came over the loudspeaker that DS was in fact waiting for his parents at the front desk. We of course bolted down to find DS chatting in Swiss-German to the staff while he played with a motorised millipede.
Me: I'm so glad you have him! Thank you! And, er, I think we also lost a shirt as well... white? with blue stripes?
Staffer: [Looks through Lost and Found box.] Oh yes, we have that too.
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