Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Whacky Mittwoch

Here is an example of the joys of using an online translator (for a letter I received from the Gemeinde regarding next year's schooling):

"The present kindergarten gutters, training by suns, school lines, members of the school care, the director/conductor of the school secretariat as well as further specialized persons are gladly ready to answer questions."

Currently my own brain's translation without the aid of a dictionary would read something like:

"The awesome Kindergarteners, teachers, schoolies, and other school persons including the school secretary are factual persons, and are going to be able to answer your questions."

All I can say is that between us we have a general idea of what's going on, but I can only hope my German rapidly improves sometime soon because, as you can see, life can seem a bit whacky at the best of times around these parts.

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