The Real Saturday began with DH and the Hausfrau glued to the computer, streaming radio and (eventually) ABC TV.
Presently, however, Life in Switzerland intervened: I had to go and find DD some snow boots before her feet froze and fell off, and Real Saturdays are the only weekend shopping days, since everything is closed on Real Sundays.
So off we set, leaving DH still glued to the computer, not knowing if we'd return to a Liberal or Labor government. I had my mobile phone at the ready.
Please, let me explain.
The Swiss People's Party (SVP) came up with the idea of using the image of a black sheep to represent their view that Ausslanders (foreigners) with criminal records should not be allowed to stay in Switzerland. Unfortunately marrying the 'black' concept with the 'we don't want you to stay' concept was wading waist-high into racist territory. And, regardless of what they might say (and they claim they're not racist), pictures speak louder than words.
Back on track, though: Did we find a pair of boots for DD?
Yes, we did. Not only that, but as she was replacing one old pair of (I could say jackboots, but that would be silly) boots with new black ones, DH called with the news.
Out with the old, and in with the new.
(Now where have I heard that before? I should be a speech writer.)
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