Saturday, November 3, 2007

Would you like fries with that...?

You know I said I'd never get to see Industriequartier at night?

Well, I'm now eating my words.

Due to the arrival of the Hausfrau's parents and own Dear Brother (who mostly lives in Berlin), I was equipped with built-in babysitting and able to attend the Infotech Central Halloween Party.

O Happy Day!

Mostly the fun was had travelling on the train with DH and DB and walking around the Industriequartier dressed up as Death Eaters. (Yes, Harry Potter is still big in our house. In fact the other day I found - I kid you not - five of the seven HP books, each open and face-down at various points around the house. DD is a multi-tasker of the extreme kind.)

I won't go into too much detail about the Infotech Central party lest I be deported for revealing trade secrets, but it must be said that there were a few other Hausfraus present, a few of whom I'd met at a 'Spouses and Partners of...' brunch. I'm happy to report that they could keep up with me doing the Time Warp, plus two of them were equipped with flashing devil-horns.

PS. That pic at the top is the Freitag store (you'll get a much better daytime pic on this site). It seems like every second person in Zürich has one of these recycled truck tarpaulin bags, including grannies and granddads. The store is basically old shipping containers piled up on top of each other. Rumour has it that they had a taller building which they had to pull down because it used to sway in the wind a bit too much, but I've since discovered it was because of this clip on YouTube...

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