Over the few days DC and DCIL were in town we spent a bit of time wandering around the old town of Zürich on the East Bank, which I never cease to find awesome: the buildings are remarkable and
still standing! (At home in Oz, we feel like our house is ancient, and it was built in the 1950s. So you can see how I'm loving the city-scape here.)

I do need to jump forward in time a little bit here (speaking of old parts of the city): this weekend I ventured properly into the

'new' old town on the West bank of the Limmat River in search of my new hairdresser (whom I located by interrogating a dude in a department store who looked like he might know a thing or two about the Zürich hairdressing scene. Well, he had a Number Two and he was a makeup artist...)

As I left the house the conversation went as follows:
DD: Mama! Where are you going?!
Me: To get a haircut.
DD: (dubious) Well... OK, but don't do anything crazy.

It ended up being an interesting ramble, as I looked closely at the East bank and discovered tiny cobblestone streets and some jolly expensive boutiques as well - mostly clothing. The shopfronts were still flush with Christmas decor, too, which was at times no less than gaudy.
I eventually ended up at the hairdressing salon, which housed two hairdressers and a gob-smackingly huge, wall-sized mirror, which enabled me to see myself from head to toe in all my Hausfrau glory. Shockingly confronting. I could only thank my lucky stars that I'd worn some lippy. Shortly after being seated in front of aforementioned Massive Mirror I was served hot tea and croissant to aid my recovery.

Turns out my hairdresser, like many young thangs around these parts, is a mad snow-boarder. I wouldn't have picked it, but her hair-cutting associate confirmed it, and urged me to go snow-boarding as soon as humanly possible.
I've added it to the growing list of Things To Do In Europe...
PS. You might have noticed the blog has a new look too... (This is so when I'm 80 and want to print out pages for my great-grandchildren I don't have to buy up the world's supply of coloured printer cartridges.)
New format works well. All you have to do is reach 80.
hi lib, am interested to know
a) how did the haircut turn out,
b) what was the price-comparison to aussie cuts??
c) were you over-all satisfied to the point of being willing to return in the future?
(can you tell i'm always on a quest to find the perfect hairdresser?)
BTW love DD's comment not to do anything crazy!
Dearest H,
Sorry it took me so long:
a) Haircut was surprisingly good. They don't 'do' thinning scissors here (usually my best friend), so I am sporting a somewhat larger Euro 'do' than usual. A good cut, nevertheless.
b) Price... well, let's just say I'm in the city of bankers and brokers, so it was just as well they forked out for a croissant and several cups of tea.
c) And yes, I'll be going back (maybe a little sooner than I'd like due to the largeness of the hair!).
Love L
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