So far I've seen four possible apartments where we could live. It's going to be difficult to move from Seefeld, though, where we are right now - better known as 'The Gold Coast', because it's the much sought-after sunny side of the lake. (The other side known as The Cold Coast, because they lose the sun earlier in the day due to the mountains to the west.)
But back on track here: Luckily for me, our relocation 'officer' (RO) is very much on my wavelength with regard to apartments, and after dutifully showing me around one particular apartment, which was modern, clean, lovely etc., she left me to 'talk' to the caretaker.
I had a stilted conversation with Frau X, who was very polite but spoke mostly Swiss German. Turns out one couldn't leave shoes outside the doors (this is something people do a lot in winter especially). Her husband wouldn't have it. There was an allocated washing day and it MAY be possible to negotiate this with the neighbours. Also, it was a lovely quiet apartment... the older neighbours liked their privacy. At this point I'm imagining DS and his fog-horn morning voice...
When we left, our RO (Relo Officer) gave me a saccharine smile and said, 'Ach, so. Vat did you sink about ziss one?' I tried not to say anything but my mouth just said somewhat emphatically, 'No!'
RO started to laugh. 'I sink so too. You are not a country lady. Ziss is too Sviss for you! Oi! Ziss is too Sviss for me!'
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