Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shooting festival

So some of you may have heard that I managed to 'lose' all my photos from Tokyo as well as Zürich.

Some of these pictures were very cool if I do say so myself, including one of the kids with possibly the longest sausages they've ever had the joy of eating. This was at the local 'shooting' festival – this is a rather interesting phenomenon: an annual two-day festival which takes place on the second weekend in September and involves a shooting contest for boys and girls as well as a festival and street fair. The festival ends with the crowning of a King of the Marksmen.

We weren't sure where the shooting range was, so we didn't get to see any folk with guns (really, they use real guns), but we did see the fair. We took the #13 tram to the end of the line (that sounds like a story waiting to happen), where the whole the street is lined with food stalls (breads, lollies, sausages, all the usual stuff you'd see at the Canberra show only Swiss), and then the fair, which has rides, sideshow alley... all the usual stuff you'd see at a fair.

We took the ferris wheel [insert lovely pictures up high over Zürich with Swiss flags waving the b'ground] and ate Bürli bread rolls, to which I'm very attracted.

Yes, it's true: as we'd heard before we arrived, the selection of bread here is amazing.

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