This was most frustrating for the Hausfrau as she found to her dismay that she was typing a language she didn't think she knew. Presently she realised her keyboard was completely fried.
Sadly she unplugged it and placed it on the warm floor overnight but when she discovered that the keyboard was still channelling crazy language in the morning, she was forced to go to the next level.
'Pull it apart and use a hairdryer,' texted DH.
Knowing this information was reliable and hot off the press from the man at Infotech Central, she obeyed. But it was no use. It was a sad day indeed.
Happily, a different keyboard is now standing in while the Hausfrau travels whole-heartedly down the online purchasing track, her newest obsession.
Home shopping in German (or French, as one of the supermarket websites happens to be), is very interesting. One can't be quite sure what one's children will be eating for the next week... One could be diligent and do online babelfish-ing in painstaking paragraph-by-paragraph cut-and-paste or somesuch, but frankly one doesn't want to return to Oz having spent quite that much time online. Mind you, it's quicker than going to the shops and dragging it all up The Hill with the OGT.
Hypothetical Person: So did you see Europe?
Me: Oh yes, it has a great website.
Other Hypothetical Person: So did you see Europe?
Me: No, I had to do the grocery shopping.
Bummer about the keyboard, whatsoever the language. One can only enjoy new gadgets for so long (speaking to us both, here). Your post is a reminder for all of us, my dear Libby-o.
Somehow my comment about your keyboard debacle being a possible wake up call to go see Europe got lost......thus my comment about a reminder to all of us was to not get so attached to our gadgets that we forget to get the #!@*! out of the house! See, here I am sucked into my gadget.....eyes bugging out, some part of me surely becoming The Borg.
:) I hear you, sister!
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