Sunday, October 7, 2007

Another Sunday

The air was very fresh outside (!) today when we went for an outing to nearby Thalwil.

Next to the railway station we discovered a slightly freaky but rather Swiss-looking kids' roundabout thingy.

We spent a bit of time on the bridge above the railway watching trains, which continue to be a source of much excitement and anticipation, for DS especially.

A couple of weeks ago we bought scooters, and the kids scooted happily across the bridge while we did a bit of trainspotting.

Then we went to (believe it or not) Starbucks, where we played cards - Sleeping Queens, which is the kids' favourite card game at the moment. It was great fun, and it seems it was not such an original idea, as there was a stack of German card games for kids in a box next to the straws and napkins.

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